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 Ella and the Panther's Quest   online  .pdf file 

Ella Peterson went to the library to escape in a book. Instead she is whisked through an enchanted mirror by a footstool. On the other side, she finds a panther who has been trapped in a cage, is waiting for a hero to free him and help him reach the cursed castle he can see through the prison window. Unable to ignore his sad eyes, Ella needs to find a way to free him and help him on his quest.

Fantasy Kingdom XXI  online   .pdf file

It all started when Charles unwrapped the hand knit sweater his aunt got him for his thirteenth birthday. He was much more interested in the copy of Fantasy Kingdom XXI video game his parents gave him. He even convinced him mom to let him start playing right away. And that's when he met Bobble the sprite and learns the sweater is enchanted, gets kidnapped by a giant, and brought to another world like those in his favorite video games. He is drawn into a quest to rescue a princess, only to find King Regulous's castle, and his way home, have been overrun by the enemy. With Bobble, Phichorian the bard, Princess Melissina, and Sir Amertious of the King's Guard, he travels through the new world, meeting a hermit, dragons and scholars, searching for a way to free the castle and get home.

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