Welcome to LisaAnneNisula.com Here you’ll find excerpts from my novels, free knitting patterns and bookmarks inspired by the stories, and information on upcoming projects. Enjoy your visit!

 You're on the home page now, where you'll find site news and updates. 

The Books page has a link to the main page of each of my books.  From there you can get to a summary of each book, an excerpt, and links to any free downloads related to the book.

Free Stuff lists all of the free downloads on the site, organised by type.  All of the files from the individual book pages are here, as well as anything not related to a specific book.

Blog has information on how to get to my Wordpress.com blog (or just click here).

Buying has links to all the places you can buy my books.

And if you get lost, the Site Map will help you.

Site News: 

A few updates

September 13, 2010

I changed the font on the book samples.  Hopefully they're easier to read now.  I also added my information for LibraryThing.


Free Book Giveaway on Librarything.com

September 13, 2010
I am giving away fifteen copies of the ebook version of Ella and the Panther's Quest over on Librarything.  If you're a member of Librarything, stop by and enter, or poke around my bookshelf.  The giveaway ends October 12, 2010.  And if you found my site from Librarything, Welcome! 
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Both fantasy novels available at Amazon.com

September 1, 2010
The trade paperback versions of both Ella and the Panther's Quest and Fantasy Kingdom XXI are now available on Amazon.com  I've added links to the buy pages.
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 This RSS feed is only for site updates, the RSS feed for my blog is seperate and located at my blog.

Website, text and images copyright 2010-2015 Lisa Anne Nisula. All rights reserved 


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